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Product Overview












Local Traffic Manager

BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager Datasheet 


Key Benefits

  • Reliability - Delivers the industry's most proven and advanced system to assure  that applications are always available.

  • Accelerated Applications - Provide unmatched control to accelerate application performance by up to 3 times, ensures that priority applications are served first, and offloads expensive cycle servers.

  • Reduced Server and Bandwidth Costs - Triples server capacity through a rich set of infrastructure optimization capabilities; reduces bandwidth costs by up to 80% through intelligent HTTP compression, bandwidth management and more.

  • Greater Network and Application Security - From DoS protection to cloaking to filtering out application attacks, BIG-IP adds critical security features that cannot be addressed elsewhere in the network.

  • Unmatched Application Intelligence and Control - The industry's only solution which delivers complete application fluency - enabling network-speed full payload inspection and programmable event-based traffic management to understand and act upon application flows.

  • Total Integration for All IP Applications - Provides a comprehensive solution that can integrate with all applications, not just Web based products. Provides organizations with a centralized solution for all IP applications, including legacy and emerging applications like VOIP - all in a single unified system.

  • Industry Leading Performance - Delivers the fastest traffic management solution to secure, deliver and optimize application performance. Offers best-in-market SSL TPS bulk encryption, and the highest concurrent SSL connections available today.




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Copyright © International Network Technology Ltd.
Updated December 2006