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  PacketStar® PSAX 1000 Multiservice  Media Gateway
The Lucent Technologies PacketStar® (PSAX) MultiService Media Gateways enable you to push broadband services beyond the core to the edge of the network. These highly scalable platforms optimize your existing network infrastructure to help you generate revenues by delivering carrier-grade access for voice, video, and data applications through circuit emulation, frame relay, IP, and ATM services. The PacketStar family of products integrate well into existing networks for numerous operational efficiencies including simple access concentration, circuit to packet migration via a softswitch, VoDSL gateway functionality via Gr–303/V5.2 and managed services applications. The PacketStar family of products can also save you money by introducing a new market dynamic in networking called multi–networking, enabling you to reduce inventory, sparing and training costs across multiple wireless and wireline segments.


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Copyright © International Network Technology Ltd.
Updated December 2006